Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ashton Kutcher Defends His “Integrity”

This would be the “statement” prompting us to forget everything that Ashton allegedy did with Sara Leal by trying to confuse us with big words like “integrity,” “media,” bastardize,” and “truth.” You can’t fool us, though, Ashton – we know what those words mean no matter how you try to intertwine them and craft them into a veritable tapestry of crafty mastermindery.

My favorite part was this, though:

“We really have to take it upon ourselves to instill a level of honesty in our works and the media we create and we share with each other. And be certain we are doing our own diligence to ensure what we’re saying is for the benefit of another…using our full capacity to share the truth.”

Right. The truth. Got that? DO YOUR DILIGENCE.

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  • That’s called bafflegab, I do believe… meant to confuse, hoping the reader/ listener will be so intimidated by the verbiage, they won’t actually come out and say that it makes no sense…

    Politicians use it…