Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Alicia Silverstone is Pregnant in Case You Didn’t Know

photo of alicia silverstone pregnancy pictures

So I know it’s, like, mad rude and really unfair to make fun of pregnant women, and I want to put it out there up front that that’s SO not what this post is about: it’s about me, of course, and how these pictures are positively great birth control for anyone who is not quite ready to have a (or in my case, another) child.

Alicia Silverstone, bless her heart, looks haggard, tired, and definitely not the blushing, rosy-cheeked mother earth that so many women claim they are during their pregnancies. And Alicia? I totally feel you.  IT’S NORMAL.  When I was pregnant with my daughter, I was bloated, swollen, cranky, tired, achy, and a whole cornucopia of other really wretched, probably hard-to-be-around things. And you know what, guys? I was happy as hell to no longer be pregnant after my sweet blessing of a daughter was born. I love children, my pregnancy was happily planned and executed, and I’m so thankful for the experience – but I am NOT one of those women who just thrives on being pregnant, and I never will be.

So this? For the family members who are out to get me pregnant by osmosis and won’t take the hint that I’M just not ready to host another living being inside my body for the next nine months? Is my birth control. End of story, I win, you lose.

For now.