Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Christina Aguilera: Officially Awesome

A photo of Christina Aguilera

Well, not her new hair, that’s not awesome. Look at that mess. And not her new music, either. Ok, so really, the only reason that I’m officially declaring Christina Aguilera‘s awesomeness is because of this one thing she said in this interview she did with Billboard.

Here’s the quote, via Celebitchy:

“I told them during this Lotus recording, ‘You are working with a fat girl. Know it now and get over it.’ They need a reminder sometimes that I don’t belong to them. It’s my body. My body can’t put anyone in jeopardy of not making money anymore-my body is just not on the table that way anymore.”


I love this. I love it so hard. I am so, so proud of Christina for being a lady in Hollywood and being brave enough to say “it’s my body.” I am so proud of her for taking the word “fat” for what it is: an adjective, not an insult. I am so amazingly happy that a woman as famous as Christina Aguilera is making statements like these. You guys, I’m just seriously, seriously happy about this.

I just think it’s so important that Christina Aguilera is saying things like this, because if she says it, then maybe people will actually hear it. Her body is her body, and she can do whatever she wants with it. She doesn’t owe anyone anything when it comes to her body. She doesn’t owe it to you to be thin. She’s not hurting you in any way, shape, or form by gaining weight. To quote Christina herself, “know it now and get over it.”

And I’ll let my good friends Salt-n-Pepa really drive the point home:

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I’m cool with her being empowered and owning her own body ‘now’ but it would have been better if she embraced it sooner and if she didn’t look so fucking miserable whenever pictures are being taken of her. I can see that she just doesn’t want to hear about her new shape but it doesn’t help the “I’m ok with the way I am” agenda if she goes around looking so sorry for herself.

    • Body acceptance is a long road, especially when you’re a woman and more if you’re famous like her. Some days you feel good and some days you just don’t.

  • I’m so glad she said that, too. All I keep hearing about is her weight, especially since she’s been on The Voice, and all I can think is “why does it matter?” I <3 her.

  • Except she’s not fat???!!! There are many other adjectives that work better for her. Voluptuous maybe???

    Maybe I’m splitting hairs here, but although FAT is an adjective, I think it always has a negative connotation… unfortunately…

    • No, I know, I wouldn’t call her fat either. But she’s definitely bigger than she used to be, so if she wants to call herself fat and own it, then I think that’s fine. It would be different if she was super thin and saying “ugh, I’m so fat, I’m so gross,” I think.

      And “fat” can definitely be used as an insult, but I think I didn’t word that part exactly right. I meant that “fat” is just an adjective, with no value of its own. Does that make sense? It’s like if someone calls herself fat, and someone else says “you’re not fat, you’re beautiful,” like fat is the opposite of beautiful, a synonym for ugly. It’s not, it’s just a descriptor. That’s more along the lines of what I meant.

  • Unfortunately, every week I hear a fat joke about Christina from Joan Rivers on the Fashion Police show while Kelley fakes looking shyly shocked. I wish people could get over women being different shapes but being bigger than a size 2 seems to be the last pc joke and snide remarks allowed in society without any uproar over them.

  • Be as fat as a pig, just don’t wear size 6 outfits onstage when you’re a size 14. Pictures speak louder than words. If she’s so content to be a fat girl, why is she still dressing like a thin girl? She looks repulsive onstage, with all that chunk hanging over her panties.

  • Do you like that she has accepted herself because you feel it contributes to the body positive movement or are you just looking for some sort of justification for your own weight problem?

    Here’s the thing: If you’re happy and you’re healthy, then stop giving a fuck. She should have said this a long time ago.

  • I actually realized after sending off my first comment yesterday that Xtina is in fact simply calling a spade a spade. I think when she called herself “fat” she meant fat by the industry standards, and sadly, she is most likely right.

    Although I find it really heartening to see ads featuring beautiful plus size models these days. Perception of beauty may actually be slowly evolving…

    I kind of agree with Blasted though about her choice of outfits sometimes. It isn’t even that she’s wearing tight clothing. It’s just such bad taste… tacky as hell (I am thinking of that one where she wore a broad black hat, high boots and some kind of bodice) and makes her look desperate to be perceived as sexy, no matter what.

  • Stop trying to make excuses for this woman she’s not curvy one bit Christina should stop blabbing about being happy about her weight when she’s not happy.Christina went out and got herself boob implants that was a mistake those gigantic boobs on her 5’1 frame mistake then she started with the nose job,lip injections and face fillers and most recent the newly installed butt implants because really smart people would notice a once flat booty since her star search days and genie in the bottle days is not getting that round and huge with some weight gain.Christina has done what every other celeb is doing once the money rolls in they start creating the freaky plastic Hatchet Face.Christina also has a clear and over obsession with Marilyn Monroe so she thinks getting full figured and copying her every move from videos and album covers is going to convert her into Marilyn but Marilyn was never fat she’s was full figured at a size 8 and a taller hourglass shape.Snookilera needs to start being HERSELF and stop drawing in those eyebrows like Marilyn’s that don’t go with her face shape ,get rid of the platinum hair that is aging her,take the blue eye contacts out,stop sausaging herself into too tight outfits and get original.Christina is a great singer but tha’s about it aside from copying others and having a rude attitude that’s all she has.