Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Guess Who Spent All Day Driving Around And Getting Stoned

A photo of Amanda Bynes

Come on, you knew it was going to be her. Let’s not waste any time with these guessing games and get right into Amanda Bynes‘s Magical Day.

On Tuesday, Amanda was spotted “driving aimlessly for hours,” which totally sounds like her, right? I mean, she’s being charged with a couple of misdemeanors and she has that suspended license, so what else is she going to do but drive around aimlessly for hours?

Drive around aimlessly for hours and smoke weed.

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And then get some lunch:

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And then go to a different parking lot and smoke more:

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And then smoke again:

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Now that we’ve seen the pictures, here’s a more thorough account from TMZ:

Amanda started her journey at Baja Fresh in the San Fernando Valley, where she smoked from the pipe in the restaurant parking lot and ate tacos.  She then went to a spa, where she spent 3 hours.  We’re told Amanda then drove without purpose for several hours, sometimes cutting off other drivers and violating various traffic laws.  Amanda ended up at Home Depot, where she again took a hit from the pipe in the parking lot.

TMZ has confirmed … Amanda is driving illegally, because the DMV suspended her license on August 25.  As for why her license was yanked, we believe it’s because she refused to take a sobriety test when she was busted for DUI in April.  In California, such refusal results in automatic license suspension.

Is she trying to get arrested? Is that what this is? Because I can’t think of any other reason why she would be doing all of this. If she was smoking a crack pipe in these pictures, then I could understand, but it’s definitely weed, and weed doesn’t make you that stupid.

But you know, if you don’t think about all of Amanda’s legal trouble, and if you don’t think about the fact that she went from being a hilarious kid with her own show to a young woman starring in movies to a young woman eating tacos and getting high in the Home Depot parking lot, this kind of sounds like a fun day, right?

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