Today's Evil Beet Gossip

President Obama Slow Jams the News!

If any of you guys were on the fence about “sexiest incumbent President,” this video should clear it up for you. Really. Also, if any of you guys were on the fence about deciding who to vote for President in this year’s election and you want to base it solely on personal magnetism and charisma and nothing stupid and boring like public policy or national defense or deficit reduction, then this video should clear it up for you.

If you’re one of those Obama-haters, however, then this video will probably push you right over the edge of “Fuck no I’d never vote for this man” and into “I’m embarrassed for my country” territory, and you should probably just keep that to yourselves since you’re more than likely the same people who are posting the fear-mongering “OBAMA MADE FREE SPEECH A FELONY WAAAAHHH” business all over Facebook, aren’t you?

… What? I have to listen to that BS on my personal pages, why can’t I talk about it in a public way? Huh? It’s not illegal just yet and anyway, I’M NOT AFRAID TO GO TO JAIL*.

*Oh my God yes, I’m actually pretty terrified of going to jail. It’s right up there with spiders/crickets/moths, heights, car accidents, and being stuck in close quarters.

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