Today's Evil Beet Gossip

EXCLUSIVE: Never-Before-Seen Photos of Anna Nicole Smith During her Pregnancy

photo of anna nicole smith gold nude pregnant photos pics
Hard to believe that these photos were taken just months before Anna Nicole Smith passed away, while she was pregnant with her now-five-year-old daughter, Danilynn, right?

The pictures were unearthed from a promo shoot that was recently used by website Golden Palace, which I was afraid to click on for fear of it being some kind of weird pregnancy-golden-showers pornography site. Thankfully, I was wrong, and it’s only an online casino. My luck usually isn’t that good, so I’ll take it.

According to Golden Palace’s site:

She [Anna Nicole] loved the Golden Palace brand and especially liked the outlandish marketing efforts that were made with the Virgin Mary Grilled Cheese Sandwich. The extraordinary “golden” pregnancy photo shoot was also her idea, a time she described as “magical”. Like her persona, she wanted to capture the moment by doing something outrageous, memorable, and fun. Just prior to her untimely passing Anna Nicole had agreed to become a spokesperson for and was looking forward to kicking off the campaign with the launch of an exclusive “Anna Nicole” slot machine. As big fans of Anna Nicole, we felt a collaborative effort would be mutually beneficial. Unfortunately, the tragic events that followed so closely after the photo shoot proved to be overwhelming for the starlet, and out of respect for her and her family, the campaign was immediately shelved.

Guess these kind of blow Demi Moore‘s famous pregnancy shoot right out of the water, huh? Yikes.

photo of anna nicole smith nude photos

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • that does not look like a very professional photo shoot. Looks like someone boring house with a white sheet hung up. Carnival mask on the wall kind of creepy.
    Anna looks great though, shoddy backdrop or not

  • She sure had a thing for odd make-up, didn’t she? Was this taken about the same time as that video of her in clown make-up stoned out her fucking skull?