Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Ooh, Ooh, Jacob’s Breaking Dawn Trailer!

Have we officially seen the entire movie yet? Sure feels like it. I like Jacob Black and all, but was it really necessary to film a trailer from his perspective? Are we going to see one from Bella and Edward‘s perspective now, too? What about Bella’s dad, maybe? The non-English-speaking woman from the island on which that baby was conceived? A random tree in the forest? CAN YOU EVEN HANDLE THIS?

What are you guys most excited about?:


2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You think that people will shut up about the movie once it premieres? hahahaha. Don’t forget, there’s still Part 2 to come! I think splitting it in two is f*cking ridiculous. I read the first three books – they were somewhat enjoyable as I was reading them, but not enough for me to get excited about the series. I didn’t read the fourth book, because I read spoilers when it came out and decided it was the stupidest thing I had ever heard of. I can’t believe it’s getting split in two.

  • I dislike that this site is apparently sponsored by Bella’s vagina. There is no gossip here. Bring it back to earth, people.