Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Snooki Photographed With a Lump of Meat

photo of snooki nicole polizzi 2011 weight loss pictures photos pics

This time, I’m not talking about her trusty old sides of ham, either. Remember girlfriend lost all that cannoli and White Russian weight by “healthy dieting“? Word has it that it was actually all due to diet pills and starvation and purging after in-depth makeout sessions with Deena Cortese, but hey. Who’s counting when it comes to the Jersey Shore kids these days. (Answer: not Kate Winslet, that’s for damn sure.)

Anyway, the outfit, the outfit. That’s what this is supposed to be all about today, the outfit. How do we feel about it? Think it was constructed through clothes in the Situation’s own personal lady lost-and-found box? Sure seems that way to me.