Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Johnny Depp Says Photoshoots Are “Like Rape”

photo of johnny depp pictures photos

First, let me say that I’m not one to jump on the “BASTARD CELEBRITIES ARE TRIVIALIZING RAPE, MAHGOD!” bandwagon, because you know what? Sometimes people just say stupid shit. To take that further, sometimes there are just STUPID PEOPLE. However, I never thought that Johnny Depp was stupid or ill-spoken, which is why his recent Vanity Fair interview struck me as kind of off.

From the mouth of Depp:

Despite being one of the world’s most handsome men, Johnny Depp hates photo shoots so much, he compares them to violent sexual assault. He tells Nick Tosches in Vanity Fair, “Well, you just feel like you’re being raped somehow. Raped … It feels like a kind of weird — just weird, man.” He’ll pose with fans, “But whenever you have a photo shoot or something like that, it’s like — you just feel dumb. It’s just so stupid.”

See, JD, the big difference between what you’re talking about and what rape actually is, is that you have a say in doing these photoshoots you speak of. You can accept, decline, postpone, or not show up at all. Rape victims? Well. They just don’t have that many options, now, do they. I mean, that is, after all, the whole essence of rape, is it not?

6 CommentsLeave a comment

  • And yet we still listen to what these actors have to say regarding important issues of the day and, for some reason, give great weight to their words. They have no more wisdom than a bag of rocks at times.

  • These actors who act all put upon to do the job they chose to do and whine about one bullshit thing or another make me sick. I thought I liked Depp but this is the second assholeon thing you’ve written about him recently. The other one was him supporting Roman P. First he thinks child sodomy is something we all should just get over and now he thinks standing in front of a camera is like rape. I was just reading about that horrible rape murder trial that is going on in Connecticut. The father is the only one to survive the most horrific & brutal attack one can imagine. The monsters raped the wife and the little girls…oh…and performed oral sex on the youngest child all before tying them up and setting the house on fire. Johnny, THAT is rape and THAT is child sexual abuse. Until you figure that out, I have no time for your sorry ass. Idiot boy.

  • Thank you all for being awesome and realizing that what Depp said is totally ridiculous. My hope in the world is now renewed. :)

  • geez… he should just quit then. getting paid a boatload of money to stand in front of a camera and brood is not anything like being raped. idiot celebrities who feel like they’re jobs are so “weird” and who feel intruded on need to get out of La La Land and live among people with 9-5 jobs and 1/15th of their salary to realize how good they have it.

  • OK, he probably used the wrong words to describe what he felt, but I don’t think he did it consciously and I think everyone is over-analyzing what was said. Johnny has never been big on cameras and publicity and interviews. He’s a good actor, a very good actor, and that’s all it should be about.