Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Check Out a Deleted Scene from This Past Weekend’s SNL

As you’re all probably aware, the absolutely hilarious and charming and hot and oh did I mention hot Justin Timberlake hosted this past Saturday’s SNL season finale.

In this scene, if you can’t watch it ’cause your boss sucks or whatever, Justin plays at being the famed composer , who gets a taste for acting. Hilarity fucking ensues, and the best part of the skit would totally have to be the quote, ‘I’m bringing sexy, Bach.’

I find it funny that I’m all about JT these days, because my friends back in high school just loved *Nsync (LOL what a ricockulous name for a band) just positively swooned over Timberlake and his weird blonde mushroom hair and his other metro pals, but guys? I’m totally behind you now. I mean, even though I completely mocked you guys behind your back and laughed that your rooms were covered with Timberlake posters, I can’t really say all that much because Isaac Hanson was all over MY walls and HELL. Look how much HE’S not doing these days. You win, I fold.

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