Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Quotables: Lady Gaga Talks Religion

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“The influence of institutionalised religion on government is vast. So religion then begins to affect social values and that in turn affects self-esteem, bullying in school, teen suicides, all those things. … If you were to ask me what I want to do, I don’t want to be a celebrity, I want to make a difference. I never wanted to look pretty on stage and sing about something we’ve all heard about before. I’d much rather write a song called Judas and talk about betrayal and forgiveness and feeling misunderstood, and talk to the fans and figure out what it is society needs. If I can be a leader, I will. Don’t say I hate institutionalised religion – rather than saying I hate those things, which I do not, what I’m saying is that perhaps there is a way of opening more doors, rather than closing so many.”

I’m gonna go ahead here and say (probably for the first time in my life) that I sort of agree with where Gaga‘s going with this one. Institutionalized religion – for the most part – has to go.  I’m not going to sit here and preach, because not only is it not the right forum, but it’s not the right type of topic for the site, but I’m a Jesus fan myself.  And I will say that Jesus the man – if he were alive today – would probably be aghast at what goes on in various aspects of organized ‘religion.’  Historically, Jesus fought against The Man, fought against streamlined, tight-knit, aristocratic religious groups, and fought against the crap that a lot of narrow-minded people tried to pull on their world neighbors.  So … put that in your pipe and smoke it, I guess.

Lady Gaga + 1.  For now.

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