Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Love It or Leave It: Rihanna’s Red Beehive

OK, so I am now totally on board with Rihanna‘s bright red hair and I’m really on board with her meeting music legend David Bowie, but I know there’s gotta be at least a handful of you out there who are still looking at this flamin’ ‘do like, “Girl, WHAT?!”

There are a couple of angles to check out in the gallery, so please click through and let me know your thoughts in the comments.

And P.S. – if you haven’t heard this “What’s My Name?”/Jack and Diane” mash-up, you’re totally missing out.

4 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You should have put the pic of her posing on the red carpet. She looks beautiful and elegant.

    It takes a true beauty to pull off something like red hair and Rihanna does it well. Island girls represent.

  • retardation at its finest or pretty much hypocrtical stand point,
    the blogger hates people for who theyre associated with and likes them for who they know aswell? give me a fuckin break and just admit youre totally jealous of these people and get off your soap box of judgement

  • Rihanna is really boring with the edgy stuff that is really not that edgy. That said, I think she looks pretty, for once.