Today's Evil Beet Gossip

I’ll Never Look At a Squatting Britney Spears The Same Way Again

We’ve talked quite a bit over here about how Britney now just isn’t the same as she used to be, but if you needed any more proof, check out this quote her choreographer, Brian Friedman, gave OK Magazine regarding how he gets BritBrit to remember her moves:

“I feel like a comedian all day when we’re working together. If you do a little squat down to the floor, I always scream, ‘take a poop!’ … I always use analogies with steps because if you remember, ‘take a poop, wipe it off’ then you remember doing a squat and then coming up and doing a hip roll with your hands on your hips.”

I get that all those moves might be difficult to remember for someone who’s fried her brain with prescription pills, but I actually want to vomit thinking about someone talking to me like that in a professional environment. I mean, what kind of moron is this choreographer if this is the best he can come up with?

Can we see if we can come up with something better in the comments than “take a poop, wipe if off?”

I can’t believe I just typed that. I need to go shower.

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