Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Celebrity Tweet of the Day: The Disturbing Edition

You guys know the drill by now, right?  I’ma just show you some tweets and we’re going to talk about them, all right?  It’s going to be so tight.

I’m not sure you guys know how cool Beyonce‘s little sister, Solange, is.  If you don’t know, you need to get wise. However, despite her awesomeness, she put the image of pubic hair and bobby pins in my head. Unforgivable.

Is “the stanky leg” anything like “supermaning that ho”?  Either way, I’m pretty sure I want no part of what you’re into, Soulja Boy.

Do I really need to explain my Michael Ian Black love again?


Special shoutout to our friends at WCHE 1520 in West Chester, PA for borrowing their Celebrity Tweet of the Day segment. We’re still not giving it back! ;) You guys can tune in and listen live at for even more celebrity-related banter and all-around, general awesomeness with our good friend, the studly Matt Lombardo.