Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Courtney Love’s New Makeup Artist is Apparently a Mortician

photo of courtney love pictures hole

These, man, are some good makeup-applying skills. These are the fucking NAPOLEON DYNAMITE of makeup-applying skills. MAD skills. And that lipstick, my word. There’s just no logical explanation for that wavy, wobbly-assed lipstick application. Both my half-blind, shaky, arthritic grandmother AND Michael J. Fox could do a better job on their worst days with both hands tied behind their backs and a rabid dog biting relentlessly at their asses.

Above, you see Courtney Love, photographed doing something obscure with her old band, Hole.

And don’t you remember back when Courtney was kind of badass and cool in a pitiful sort of way? Jeez. It’s just not that way anymore, guys. This lady’s lost something, and I have a sneaking suspicion that that ‘something’ is called ‘her mind.’

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  • Well someone was clearly never a fan of Hole. smudged lipstick is her signature, a basic google images search can tell you that. She’s old. Its what happens in your late 40’s. Oh, and congrats on reporting on what the actual event was. NAPOLEON DYNAMITE JOURNALISM SARAH!!!

    P.S Courtney will always be a badass.

    • why then does the rest of the band look pretty awesome and courtney look’s like she’s running to her grave?

  • Which makes sense… I mean, my gawd, look at her…she looks like she has at least one foot in the grave…but watch her out-live all of ’em.