Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Kim Kardashian Had a Famous Friend Growing Up

Aww, look at little Kim Kardashian before she jacked her face up. I mean, it’s really not all that far off from what it is today – aside from looking kind of waxy and much more sculpted – so I really have to say ‘kudos’ on the semi-tasteful facial enhancements that Kim apparently thought were a necessity. Kimmy’s also got a little playmate over there on the far right, and I’m sure most of you can guess who it is. But hey. I know some of you guys are probably pretty sheltered, aren’t you?

Find out after the jump.

photo of nicole richie during fashion week pictures

Yes, girlfriend is Nicole Richie, in case you couldn’t tell by that fierce twelve-year-old, pursed-lip stare. Amazing how some things never change.

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