Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Slow News Day = Kim Kardashian Plastic Surgery Denial Post

Kim Kardashian

Super serious and very important business woman Kim Kardashian can’t help but laugh at Star Magazine‘s accusations that she got her lips and nose reduced by a size and took to her blog to say  that the whole thing is a crock. “Why would someone want smaller lips?! LOL” I wonder if she really L’d OL or if she was just saying she was L-ingOL. Man, that’s going to bug me all day.

Kim claims that the before and after pictures chosen by the rag were ones from before and after a 20-pound weight loss, so obviously her face (and the rest of her) are going to look differently. “Your face always looks different when you lose weight, plus with the contouring on my nose it gives the illusion of a thinner nose. I actually think my nose looks smaller in the first pic than it does in the second. It’s ridiculous… it’s all about the makeup and the angle from which the photo was taken!” This woman is a genius! Genius I tell you!

I’m all for plastic surgery rumors, hell, they are what keep me in business, but I have to say for once that I side with the moron with the large butt. How desperate do you have to be to take two photos that were taken months apart and in different lighting and compare them to make a story? There are much more obvious offenders than KK out there and I could read about 100 more stories on Nicole Kidman’s Frankenface before I read any more bull about what’s obviously a good make up job.

Beside, if Kim was really going to go under the knife, wouldn’t there be a “very special Keeping Up With the Kardashians” two-parter? I’m thinking there would be. These dolls can barely take a dump without having the whole thing filmed.

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  • i have no idea about the plastic surgery and haven’t even looked at the pictures, but i really love that she can apparently talk like a reasonably sentient human. we’ve got decent grammar and sentence structure, perfect spelling, a notable lack of any ridiculously liberal capitalization procedures… in a nutshell, NICE CALL KIM. way to exhibit a thoroughly unusual-for-hollywood command of your native language.