Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Why Wouldn’t Paris Hilton Have a Sexy Christmas Card? is claiming that this is Paris Hilton’s Christmas card. I’m not sure if they found it on her website or Twitter or if she mailed it off to her favorite media outlets in addition to her manager and her weird aunts. Either way, it’s hilariously inappropriate. Like, if I didn’t believe that she was pulling one over on us this entire time, I would now. Who slaps a holiday message on what looks like a rejected boudoir shot and then shows it to the world? You’d have to either be a moron or a genius.

Anyway, what are you guys doing to make your holiday cards give everyone raging boners?

13 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Yeah…I love EB, but it only takes two seconds to scroll down the page to see the last posts that were done.

  • soo has evil beet just like… abandoned this site? like I’m pretty sure she doesn’t even write posts anymore and… yeah.

  • I pretty much only read this blog in hope of getting a few laughs when I’m in dire need of procrastination.. and I’m not getting the laughs in a good way, more in a sort of “wow, these people are clueless when it comes to politics” (thanks Sarah, I don’t know whether to laugh or cry), “wow, nobody comments on this stuff” and “wow, they’re posting the same shit again” (thanks Molls).
    I rather doubt that you guys read the comments (I’m sure you’ve got better things to do), but wouldn’t it be grand if people actually had a laugh for the right reasons (witty posts, etc.)?
    Still, I’m reading the blog every now and again, I come back every once in a while … however, that’s not a win on your part as much as a failure on mine, because I can’t seem to focus on Uni for too many hours at a time without getting some kind of brainless distraction before returning to my studies (this comment is another procrastination).
    I just wonder – I suppose that the writers on EB have observed the lack of comments (unless there’s a repost or an ill-informed political post, whenever there’s one of those the readers seem to “come alive”) – is this blog going to continue to head down the same slippery slope? Any plans to bring the blog back from the dead or should I start looking for my brainless entertainment elsewhere?

    • Good observation on Sarah’s political opinions. Her article on the student loans in Britain really showed how clueless she is.

  • I have never looked at Paris Hilton and thought “sex.” I look at Paris Hilton and think massively desperate, boring and contrived. Does she actually have a personality – or is she nothing more than persona?

    Is there a photo out there where Paris is just being a real person and is not pouting and artificially posed? If there is one out there – let’s see it.