Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Meet Megan Fox’s Transformers Replacement

photo of katie cassidy white dress

Her name is Katie Cassidy, she’s David Cassidy‘s daughter and she most recently starred in Michael Bay’s remake of A Nightmare on Elm Street, which, if I’m being completely honest was the absolute balls. And I, uh, mean that in a good way.

Since the snooty Fox decided that Transformers was beneath her and wanted to stretch her legs (and nude scenes) in her upcoming indie film, Passion Play, producers for the Transformers franchise didn’t want to waste any time or effort in replacing the “irreplaceable” star, and didn’t find it all that hard to do so, either. A source close to the production dishes:

“Michael worked with Katie on A Nightmare On Elm Street and he sees her as the perfect choice. Megan was unknown when she was cast in the first Transformers and Katie is in that same mold. She even looks a little like Megan — only blonde.”

I’m kind of hoping that this entire “I’m a serious actress!” thing blows up in Megan’s face … I mean, without Michael Bay at her back, she’s probably going to continue to do low-budget indie movies that will end up on the dusty bottom rack of a second-rate movie rental store — if these movies even make it that far, at any rate.

17 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She doesn’t look anything like Megan, but hopefully this girl is less mentally deficient.

  • She needs to send Megan Fox a gift basket of self-tanning products and a biography of Hitler along with a note that says, “Thanks for speaking up.”

  • “She even looks a little like Megan — only blonde.”

    worst compliment ever, not to mention they look nothing alike.

    This girl is far prettier, lets hope she leaves megan and her empty talent in the dust.

  • Umm she looks nothing like Megan Fox. Im so bored with these actresses getting too full of themselves and over estimating their talent. Megan Fox, Katherine Heigl, Taylor Momsen- I’m tired of all of them. Can we get an ethnic female lead? Someone who is black or Asian and unknown; at least that person would be grateful for getting a star-making role.

  • I’ve always thought Katie Cassidy was stunning – you actually posted a kind of bad picture of her. Glad Megan Fox is out.

  • I like her on Melrose. She was the best thing on that show before it got cancelled. Good for you, Katie!!

  • She played a recurring guest role on “Supernatural” (the first incarnation of “Ruby”), and didn’t suck. All things considered, not a bad choice.