Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Chris Brown Said “No” But Meant “Yes”


It’s been awhile since I’ve been able to pull out the douche-ski photo, but today it just felt right.  As you’ll remember, I posted a brief preview clip of Chris Brown offering up a whole lot of “Wow” and a little bit of selective amnesia to Larry King.  That interview will air tomorrow.  Chris Brown has released a statement indicating that when he said he didn’t remember beating up Rihanna, what he meant was that he did remember beating up Rihanna.  Seems reasonable.

“There have been reports on the Internet that I didn’t remember what happened that night with Rihanna. I want to try and set things straight. 

“That 30 seconds of the interview they used of me was taken from a one hour interview during which that same question was asked something like four or five times – and when you look at the entire interview you will see it is not representative of what I said. 

“The first four times – or however many times it was – I gave the same answer – which was that I didn’t think it was appropriate for me to talk about what happened that night. I said it was not right for me and it really wasn’t fair to Rihanna. The fifth time – or whatever it was – I just misspoke. I was asked, ‘Do you remember doing it?’ and I said, ‘No.’ 

“Of course I remember what happened. Several times during the interview, my mother said that I came to her right afterwards and told her everything. But it was and still is a blur. And yes, I still can’t believe it happened because it is not me or who I am, nor is what happened like anything I have ever done before.”

Larry King is famous for asking the same question over and over and over again.  Unfortunately, Chris Brown can never have the luxury of vaguely answering any question, even one that’s been posed repeatedly.  The public is still out for blood.  

I’m a firm believer in redemption.  If Chris Brown was honest and forthright, of course he would be worthy of a second chance.  But he keeps sticking with the “nor is what happened like anything I have ever done before” line even though the police report clearly states that he had hit Rihanna on at least two previous occasions.  He’s still not taking responsibility, he’s still not owning up and that’s why I feel like he’s a totally sac-less, creepy little Easter Bunny.  (Thank you to our commenter who came up with that!)

37 CommentsLeave a comment

    • How can anyone deserve to have the shit beaten out of them? Next you’re going to say Jasmine Fiore did something to deserve being killed and mutilated too. No one EVER deserves to be in an abusive relationship.

      • No I never thought that, but I’m pretty sure you did.

        People only EVER deserve to be in abusive relationship is if they aren’t getting out of it themselves OR if they continue to believe it’s their fault.

        HATE ON HATERS! I’m only saying things people are secretly thinking!

    • Oh my, TheWin – I am so looking forward to the day that someone beats the living shit out of you!!! You make me sick!!!

      • Someone deserves something they get. If you do something wrong, expect the wrath. There is two sides to every story. So you guys can all jump down his throat because he’s a man and men should never beat women, but it’s okay for a woman to beat up a man. You are all idiots.

      • I’m pretty sure we would have been just as outraged if the tables had been turned, and Rihanna had been the one beating Chris into a pulp. The problem here is that he is not only seemingly trying to make light of the whole incident, he is trying to make it out to be something that just happened. He “accidentally” hit her multiple times in the face, he didn’t mean to bite her, it was totally not his fault when he took her by the neck and strangled her until she passed out.

        But your right, she probably totally brought all that on herself…

      • We don’t know what she did to provoke him. Maybe she did something that hurt him to cause him to do those things to her. You don’t know what she did, I just don’t see why everyone is jumping down Chris Browns throat about it. At least he has stated he knows he made a mistake.

      • This is a response to ‘TheWin’s” last comment not you Tabby. How can you even advocate that she in some way provoked him? Sounds like the mentality of a person who has done some wife-beating of his very own. There is never, EVER an excuse to use violence against someone; regardless of what they may have done. You, The Win, are truly a step back in the evolutionary process. I feel very sad for your children when they accidentally break something of yours and then get to enjoy a beating because they earned it! YOU ARE SICK!!!

  • No one deserves to be hit or beaten. No matter what she did he had no right to do what he did and his ass should be sitting in a jail cell. He is lucky he didn’t kill her. When he said “that isn’t who I am as a person” then who is he as a person? Wasn’t it him who beat her senseless and bit her? Biting, now that’s an animalistic behavior if I ever heard of one. That IS who he is as a person and mark my words he will do it again. Women should run as fast and far away as they can from guys like this. He is a coward and a loser. Plus that he isn’t very bright.

  • Hey Reno FYI I’m not a man, and I’m not behind in the evolutionary process. I just don’t see how women can’t be at fault here. You are all close minded. Whose to say that Rihanna didn’t hit Chris Brown first before he hit her? Whose to say that she didn’t beat on him during their relationship? Women beat on men too and I don’t understand why the majority of you can’t see that. You all jump down on mans throat for hitting a woman and biting her. What if he really didn’t bite her? Well thats besides the point, I’m not saying Chris Brown is right either, but he must have been provoked to the brink of where he decided to lay his hands on her. She certainly could’ve abused him first but nobody would be the wiser to that because she is a woman and its okay to believe that woman are always the victim. If a man were raped by a woman they would say he asked for it and enjoyed it, if a woman were raped by a man they would say he forced her to do it because he is a male and male are stronger.

    • Your comments keep getting dumber and dumber. The fact that you are a woman absolutely horrifys me! I will say it again: there is never, EVER an excuse to use violence against another person, even if they started it. It is called being the bigger person – something you obviously know nothing about. If the tables were turned, and Rhianna had done the beating, I would be defending Chris…..BUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. You can sit here and “what if” all day long about what happened right before the fight or what their relationship was like, but regardless of all of that, CHRIS BROWN DID WRONG!!!

      I feel very sad for you that you believe that there is ever an excuse for a man to beat a woman (or vice versa) – there is no such thing as provoking a violent attack. I think it is pretty obvious that you have been the victim of severe abuse and have somehow been fooled into thinking that you deserved it. Please take care of yourself and get some serious counseling!!!

  • I Think Chris Brown Should Be Left Alone. He Has Flaws Just As Any Other So The Rumors & Exaggeration Should End. Let Him Be. At Least He Shows Hes Terribly Sorry. There’s Been Many Others Whom Been in A Similar Situation. What People Need 2 Do is Fallback & Let Him Continue Getting Himself Together. That Boy Has Potential Don’t Try & Bring Him Down For A Mistake Because Everyone Makes Them.

    • Ash, you were right about one thing: everyone makes mistakes. The difference is that in this situation his mistake affects tons of other people’s lives! Not just Rihanna but also countless other abuse victims and all his (and Rihanna’s) young, impressionable fans. He has basically written out a permission slip for other little boys to use their fists instead of their words. WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU?????? I truly hope that you are not a female Ash!

    • I’ve made mistakes yes but I’ve NEVER almost killed someone. Ever. That’s the difference, my friend.

  • WHATEVER the case may be. Whose to say that Rihanna didn’t abuse Chris first to provoke him to lay his hands on her. The majority of you are women and of course you’re going to side with the woman who was beat on. But if a picture of him surfaced bruised and battered, I’m sure you’d say maybe he did something to deserve it. Because once again, in societys eyes, it’s okay for a man to be beat on by a woman because women are always the victim and men are always stronger than women so men can never be the victim. Oh and Reno I’m a woman, and I’m not behind in the evolutionary process, I just have an open mind. I never said I was on Chris Brown’s side, i’m just saying there are two sides to every story and everyone always believes the woman before they believe the man.

    • Poor The Win. You make me very sad. I pray that you never have a daughter and teach her all this garbage that you are spouting off. You are obviously only wanting to hear and read what you want – PAY ATTENTION! I have made it very clear that I will never advocate domestic violence, regardless of the sex of the abuser. It is wrong in any scenario!!!!

      You are right: we live in a society that teaches us to never hit a woman. We also live in a society that teaches us to treat others as we want to be treated ourselves. I am positive that no gender has ever been placed on that life lesson and yet somehow you continue to pass right over that. You are wrong here and I guarantee you that I can get at least 99.9% of all the other readers on here to agree with me on that. There is never an excuse to physically assault another person, PERIOD!

      • Oh shut up, I don’t care anymore, quit jamming your stupid rights down my throat. I just think this is all HI-LARIOUS.

      • You are the absolute worst kind of person. Just awful. He was bigger and stronger, he knew that. Deep down he’s a coward. Pray you’re never at the other end of a man’s fist. I have been and I didn’t fucking deserve it.

      • It is always fun to see the unintellgient finally back down because they have nothing to left to say since all of their arguments have been shot down, proven wrong, and dragged through the mud. I am so very curious to hear which of my “rights” is so stupid? I thought you had something to say TheWin?!?!?! Why back down now?

        So tell me….since you have been a complete ass and provoked me all day long, do I now have the right to beat the crap out of you?
        I look forward to furthering your humiliation every time you post a comment you sad sad woman. In fact, I may even make it a goal of mine to make you feel so stupid and embarrassed that you won’t ever want to post your worthless comments again! Ah – life is good…

      • Actually I stopped posting because I really don’t give a shit about this tread. I don’t spend all day on here awaiting your reply just so I have something to say. Go ahead and embarress me, I’m sure your fat ass is just sitting behind your computer all day long, posting to every single gossip blog out there about how women should never get beat… blah blah blah, jam more crap down my throat about shit I could careless about.

      • TheWin posted to say she (he??) stopped posting because he doesn’t care. Hahahahahahahahaha. If you plan on not posting, don’t post.

      • HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! TheWin, my fat ass huh? I am first of all male, just to clarify that. I am also a graduate student, a dancer, a fitness model, and a highly superior person to you. You claim not care, but yet you continue to post responses filled with improper grammar usage and countless spelling mistakes. I guess I can just sit back and let you embarrass yourself from this point on. The reason I am on this site as often as I am is because EB is one of my close friends and has been for the last 13 years. Again, I look forward to slamming you as often as possible. Hope you have an absolutely rotten day and get that beat-down that I am sure you have in some way provoked and earned!

  • He’s a punk who feels bad he got caught, he doesn’t feel bad about anything other than this has hurt his career and income, anyone who thinks differently is lying to themselves just has he’s lying about the situation.

    He wants your money and to go back to the life he lived and wants to continue to live. I can’t believe anyone is falling for this redemption tour 2.0.

  • i’m so sick of hearing him say he “can’t believe it happened”. it didn’t just *happen*. you *did* it. his language just implies such a lack of responsibility for his actions, it’s really disturbing.

  • Reno Actually I’am a Girl. Its True What Your Saying But Hey Look At Jay Z Background Hes Had Alot Of Ups & Downs But Nobody Acknowledges That But Because Chris Brown is New To This He Has To Be Pressured & Rumored About ? I Dont Think So. I Mean None Of Us Know The Real Story But in My Eyes Something Triggered Him Or Theres something People Are Leaving Out. Yes Chris Was Wrong & Yes Hes Being Punished But Rhianna Still Want To Work Out The Relationship. Chris is Paying The Consequence Just As Any Other. I Think People Should Just Let Him Be & Let Them Work Out There issues

    • Sorry Ash, I’m gonna have to disagree with you yet again. He is not suffering the consequesnces just as anyone else. His “celebrity” status has gotten him out of jail time which would most likely be the consequesnces for anyone else who committed this disgusting, violent crime. In regard to your coment about Rihanna wanting to work it out: that shit makes me sick. I also believe that she has major issues and is clearly not a stable individual. I am shocked and think it is very sad that you, a female, can even slightly believe that because he was ‘triggered” to get that upset, that it is ok. What he did is wrong. His apologies are rehearsed and lack any sort of true remorse. He and Rihanna make me sick….as do you and TheWin!!!

  • Reno Your Right His ” celebrity” Does Count Him Out , But What Makes You Think He isn’t Ready To Man Up And Face Whatever Is Awaiting Him. Many Of People Cant Publicly Apologize The Way He Did. What You Think About The Whole Situation?

  • hey i think u al shld leven them to alone, if they wnt to b togther let them. GROW UP MN. yh maybe chris hit rihnna buh he did the crime buh he did the time. yh chris did sme ting wrong in life buh every one does sme ting wrong in life even if itz nt hittin a worman they do sme ting. so no one cn tlk bout chris like u al ave. look at urselfs before tlking bout other people. ya get it jst leven them alone