Today's Evil Beet Gossip

What Happens When Fox News’ Twitter Account Gets Hijacked?



You’d think that people who are intelligent enough to actually hack into a major media outlet’s Twitter account would have more intelligent and well-versed Tweets to share with the world.

29 CommentsLeave a comment

      • I dunno….
        “Vote Obama 2012!” is pretty funny!
        I can just imagine the faces of all the Republicans following Fox’s twats.

    • dude. HILARIOUS. immature? whatev! soooooo many uptight consevitives are PISSED right now. i dont think intelligent humor would have offended them as much as plain old immature making fun of them.

  • It’s funny, but it just adds fuel to the conservative fire. The only legit hack was the one about Fox and Friends exploiting Ted Kennedy. If they’d kept it on that level, it would have been better.

  • i think they stuck with tweets that are at FOX’s intelligence level (and that of it’s primary demographic!)

  • About what I’d expect from someone who actually has time on their hands to hack the Fox News twitter account. Sooooooooo hilarious!!!! OMG!!!

    Really? Grow up.

  • Wow. Way to spend all your precious time hacking into the Fox News twitter account, only to discredit yourself with your asinine comments.

  • hahahahhaa PWND!
    I mean of course these comments are immature but who needs to be witty? seriously its like ‘WE HACKED FOX IN YO FACE O’REILLY!’…
    baha… best news I have heard al day

  • I think it wouldve been sooo much funnier if they wouldve carried on the tone of the people that writes those twits
    But at the same time saying some some outragious things they normally wouldn’t say
    Pretty much
    next hacker to hack
    Fox should get a snl or a former mad tv script writer it would be awesome

  • It was funny because it happened, and some tweets were clever. Next time, headlines in the style of “the onion” would be priceless. Their regular tweeters would probably not even know the difference.

  • You think people intelligent enough to own and run a major news network would have some more intelligent and well-versed fake news to share with the world.

  • Google email fails.. O wants to take over the internet in any emergancy and His staff are funny pranksters. NEXXXXXXXXXXXXXXT

  • Nothing shocking here — just typical child-like Democrat behavior. Why come up with substantive arguments to defend your policies when you can just resort to juvenile name calling instead.

  • i want to see more celebrities twitters get hacked,
    the nick jonas come out of the closet,
    ashton kutcher “unable to find my car”
    robert pattison “jumping off my roof now…aaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhh”
    (kidding about that one, suicide is never funny im just not very creative)