Today's Evil Beet Gossip

So, Like, Are Will And Jada Smith Splitting Up?


I’m highly suspicious of a couple, any couple, when one or both of them spend all their time talking about how much intercourse they have.  I think people who are truly happy together don’t have to constantly be telling everyone how truly happy they are.  Will and Jada Smith are always talking about how they keep their marriage alive by doing it at their friends’ houses and now Jada is back on the Too Damn Much Information plan, by talking about their pre-Oscar tryst with Shape magazine:

“When you have three kids, you’ve got to take your opportunities when they come. In a limo, on the way to the Academy Awards this year, Will started looking at me in this way that drives me wild. We started kissing passionately, and the next thing I knew, well, let’s just say we missed the red carpet and I ended up with almost no makeup on.”

God, it’s just so much more than I ever needed to know about those two.  Of course, I’ve inspected all the Oscar night pictures and I don’t think they look all that sexed up.  Examples in the gallery for your inspection.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Will is ghey

    He’s gone to Scientology because he was trying to fend off his ghey ghey ghey feelings.


  • based on pic #5, looks to me like they was smokin’ a doobie in the back o’ dat limo %) PARTYYYYYYY

  • Think about it? Without Will, Jada is just another bad actress in Hollywood and would not even be as close to famous or rich if it was not for being married to Smith. Jada is holding on to this marriage by her bare knuckles and doing everything she can to make their marriage out to be better than it is. This woman is beyond annoying and needs to just shut up.

    • Jada Pickett is actually a pretty good actress. She was well established before she was dating/married to Will Smith. I admit she doesn’t do much movies now that she is married but to say she is nothing without him isn’t true. I actually enjoy her new show, Hawthorne.

  • She’s not a bad actress, but she’d never had been a major lead actress and she married well. I do agree that nobody in a happy normal relationship would be talking about dick as much as she does if they were getting any. If what she says is true we have to pity the people seated near them, sex funk on people is very unpleasant do endure. The other night I was in an elevator with a couple and thought I was going to gag right then and there. Ugh, I think he’s into men and she’s into having the A list lifestyle.

    I feel for the kids because neither Smith or Jada believe education is important – when their son was on the Academy Awards, he presenting with Abagail Breslin, he was nine and couldn’t read the card and she had to help him. There is not excuse in this day and age, with their money that their kids shouldn’t have the best available education. Will thinks all his schooling was a waste of time, but then he was taught to read…

  • I agree completely–if they were even half as happy as they say they are, or had even half as much sex as they say they do, then they wouldn’t feel the need to talk about it ALL THE TIME. Every interview she does, she talks about it and it’s disgusting.

    • ah yes, because other people’s happiness is truly sickening, especially when they’re famous…

  • he has a great body
    that’s about all I can say
    whatever they say can be a mouthful of lies
    but he has a great body, anyway
    funny ears
    but a great body

  • So what’s the big deal. Respect the fact that they are married and respect the fact that God has blessed them to …! Good for them, keep sexing it up…your doing it honestly…wherever you do it at!! Wash up and gone on about your business. Could it be some …jealousy…somewhere???????????????????????????? I wonder

  • Will and Jada stay Blessed and please what ever you do just keep as close to God IN JESUS NAME! Alot of people wish they have or even had what you to have may GOD CONTINUE TO BLESS YOU AND ALL THATS YOURS IN JESUS NAME.