Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Jeremy Piven’s Flaking Could Prove Costly


The producers of Speed the Plow have filed a grievance against Jeremy Piven for his early departure from the Broadway play.  For some unknown reason, the show has tanked since he left.  It’s hard to believe that Jeremy Piven is the lynchpin of success of any production, but the numbers don’t lie.

Before Jeremy got so “sick”, he had asked to be released from the show early.  He obviously never learned how to call in sick.  You can’t foreshadow your illness and you can’t claim drug abuse mercury poisoning and then arrive at every party, premiere and award show in the city looking completely healthy, save a bloody nose

Now, a committee will convene to determine if there should be some sort of monetary compensation paid to the producers.  I know that I’m only supposed to reserve prayer for really important things such as Amy Winehouse, so it would be wrong to pray for a huge fine for Piven, right?

Here’s Jeremy, obviously ill, last week at the Golden Globes.

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  • His D-Bag IQ is through the roof… Love to see this one play out and listen to him bitch about it for a few weeks.

  • Yea now hes going on interviews to do damage control. you all should look up good morning americas interview with him. His “oh poor me, i was on my death bed” was so incredibly over the top that it actually made me angry for a good part of the day.

  • A good actor? Subjective for sure. Douchebag…not so much…it’s pretty universally known. Brought to you by generalizations are us.:-)

    Nah, he’s full of it. You would think he could come up with a better condition than that…but then, maybe he/they thought it would be obscure or weird enough to be less likely to be disputed (fat chance, that…I mean, really FISH poisoning from sushi??). He wanted out and the producers expected professionalism to prevail and him to meet his obligations. They forgot they were dealing with an entitled mentally 15 year old delusional twat.

    YMMV….but why???


  • Hopefully, prayers WILL be answered and this douchebag will never be hired again in an acting capacity. Perhaps, maybe, as a political consultant where he can spin shit as much as he wants!