Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Crap, Paul McCartney Has Another Relationship I Have to Care About


Nothing bores me more than Paul McCartney and his girlfriends.

I want to hire a special blogger just to cover all things Paul McCartney around here, so that I don’t even have to pretend to care.

But his new girlfriend, American heiress Nancy Shevell, has reportedly moved in with him, just five months after his divorce from Heather McCartney became final. So, ya know, I have to write about it.

Nancy’s 47, so hopefully she’s infertile and there won’t be another helpless child dragged into yet another messy McCartney split.

15 CommentsLeave a comment

  • “Yet another messy split”? Your comment seems to infer that Paul has left a messy trail of exes and irreparably damaged children as he pursues his tawdry affairs with trashy women. In fact, Paul has always had long term relationships with the women he was seriously involved in, and was happily and faithfully married to one woman for most of his adult life, with whom he had, what, four children? He made one very unfortunate mistake – one – and is unlikely to make another. His personal life is really very boring. So Beet, please, stick to covering the constant dramas of young girls like Britney Spears. But if you do cover Paul, try to get your facts straight.

  • Beet’s comment seems infers that one MESSY split involving one child—is probably too many too begin with. There’s really no need for another MESSY split–for another child to be witness too. Beet’s an advocate for classy splits obviously.

  • Oh please, Paul McCartney is as boring as it gets (the best indicator is his music not his personal life) and anyone who’s dumb enough to fall for Heather Mills …, well, deserves nasty comments.

  • One of the greatest songwriters in the last hundred+ years and you’re bored with him???

    I think you should lay off the incredibly boring Lohan stuff!
    (he’s far more interesting than they are)

  • actual question: if you seriously don’t care at all about the shit lindsay lohan does, why do you read this blog?

  • Look, long dong silver, “one of the greatest songwriters in the last hundred+ years” is IMHO John Lennon. See, where I’m coming from? ;-)
    And don’t get me started on Lohan.

  • I grew up on The Beatles, so I love me some Paul. But I don’t really need to know about his personal life.

  • I agree with tigerlillie and long dong silver. I love Paul too. He’s got talent, success, money and recognition. He really doesn’t need your approval.

  • Paul McCartney has more class in his little fingernail than most of these Brittanys, and Lindseys, and Paris’ have in their over exposed bodies.

    He loved Linda and their life together for most of his life. I feel he was so lonely without her, that he reached out for LOVE in the wrong place.All too Human a mistake.

    I hope this is The one to restore Paul to happiness, and be by his side into old age.