Today's Evil Beet Gossip

LiLo and SamRo: Fighting Again

Another day, another story about Lindsay and Samantha bickering. From Page Six:

SAMANTHA Ronson deserves a medal for putting up with gal pal Lindsay Lohan. The two took the Acela train to Washington on Thursday and “had a quiet fight” the whole time, our spy says. Lohan spent most of the time complaining about her staff and told Ronson, “I do what’s good for you, not what’s best for both of us.” Lohan was “whining incessantly and Samantha was trying to deflect it. When Lindsay would get up, Samantha would sigh and put her sweatshirt hood back up.” At one point, it escalated to Lohan telling Ronson, “Don’t (bleeping) lie to me!”

OMG, a couple arguing on a long train ride? I swear, when I lived in NYC and took the Acela, I’d invent people to argue with on the train, I was so bored. There’s nothing to do on those damn trains.

20 CommentsLeave a comment

  • Uh, I’ll tell you why she puts up with her. It’s a different kind of train. A gravy train. MANtha will probably put up with an awful lot of bitching to stay on board the Money Lohan Express. Hell, so would I!

  • i could imagine lindsay lohan being incredibly high maintenance, and samantha looks like hardly any maintenance at all

  • No wonder Ronson had so many prescription meds in her bag. If true, she should have just put some headphones on and pretended to be asleep. Didn’t they just go to Tokyo together? 14+ hours of bitching from Lilo…it must be love.

  • Wow! Lindsay is getting so thin. This is a sure sign of un-happiness. I hope she doesn’t go back to her old party-ing way. It’s nice seeing Lindsay sober and working!

  • you’re not kidding – i swear the last stop on those trains is somewhere right in the middle of hell. i once had a quiet bitch fight with a friend on one… my personal theory is that it has to do, not only with the boredom, but with the fact that everything around to look at is ugly. especially when you can’t see out the window, all you get is your own terrible, pale and blotchy fluorescent reflection, and that’s enough to make anybody a little pissy.

  • They are both looking very skinny in this picture. But that totally makes sense. I hope it wasn’t too serious of a fight because I am totally for them being together.

  • my partner I just finished an Amtrak trip from Minneapolis to DC last month and I’m pretty sure we one or more “quiet fights” along the way, too! I hope they stay together long term too as they make a great couple. I’m glad our “quiet fights” aren’t heard round the world thanks to the Internet…that’s hard for ANY couple to deal with day in and day out!

  • Samantha is a 30 year old woman. Why does she insist on dressing like a 16 year old boy? Oh, and @ Lee: Samantha’s family is rich too BTW

  • excuse me lee, but samantha is at least 100 times richer than lohan. how do people not know that the ronsons are big money?

  • Lee, SamRo makes 300k a month and her family owns half of london.
    The last cash Lindsay made was 100k for Labor Pains.
    Who’s using who now?

  • Sorry, I guess I assumed she was not wealthy because she never dresses like anything other than a ratty hobo. My bad.

  • Lol @ Lee’s answer.
    Samantha could be the nicest person around, I would still want to slap her left and right for that unbearable “style” of hers. Juts proves once again that you either have “it” or not, money for sure can’t buy it.

  • no joke. is it just me, or is Lohan just asking to be put on What Not To Wear? it’s like what little fashion sense she had has gone out the window.

  • Are there other stories? A few weeks ago it was all about “so in love” and engagement and blah blah blah. All couples fight (although page six is not exactly reliable…) but it’s like the media is doing everything in condensed time, we been through the marriage and kids thing so now we’ve got to the fighting. It must be a pretty quiet time is Lindsay’s life when all there is to write about is her having a “quiet” fight with her partner on an Amtrack.

  • Were there ever any photos of either of them in DC? I can’t believe they would be on a train and not just fly. I realize Lilo isn’t bring in a lot of dough right now by the little boy is making 6-8k a dj gig. Surely her rich parents could front the airline tickets. No doubt they fight, who could stand to be around someone as self absorbed as Lindsay?