Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Paris Hilton’s Not Getting Much Cash from Her Grandpa

Paris Hilton’s Grandpa, Barron Hilton

Grandpa Barron Hilton announced today that he would be donating 97% of his fortune to charity when he kicks the bucket.

His plan includes a $1.2 billion pledge to the Con rad N. Hilton Founda tion, named after his father – a donation that includes the windfall from the recent sale of Hilton Hotels Corp. and the pending sale of the world’s biggest casino company, Harrah’s Entertainment Inc. Barron Hilton, 80, chairman of the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation, intends “to contribute 97 percent of his entire net-worth, estimated today at $2.3 billion, including the created trusts, at whatever value it is at the time of his passing,” the foundation declared.

The Hilton Foundation describes its mission as “to relieve the suffering, the distressed and the destitute.” Among its interests are projects that provide clean water in Africa, education for blind children, housing for the mentally ill, the work of Roman Catholic sisters, and substance abuse.

You know, everyone’s all like, “Oh, poor Paris,” but I doubt she’s that distraught about all this. The girl’s a multi-millionaire in her own right; she doesn’t need Grandpa’s money anymore.

Regardless, way to go, Mr. Hilton. At least someone in that family has his head on straight.

11 CommentsLeave a comment

  • HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You can bet your sweet ass I’m not saying ‘Poor Paris’!!! Screw her, take all the damn money!!!

  • How did she turn out so flakey with a grandfather like this? I’m blaming her pimping ass mother for this one.

  • 1. Her dad alone is worth over $300million, so she’ll be taken care of even if she doesn’t shill a single worthless product ever again.

    2. Actually, both her parents are complete sh!theels. The mom is definitely worse (HELL-O, she’s from WHITTIER!), but they’re both cokehead, SoCal beach trash.

  • Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!Ha ha!

  • Who really cares about the money or Paris Hilton? People who have everything do not appreciate it but when they do something stupid they still in one way or another get away with it.

  • Most of you are too dumb to understand this but Barron is a hypocrite just like his dad was. He wanted to give all his money to the Roman Catholic Church, you know the massive organization whose pope just told poor youth in Australia to give up materialism.

    Barron challenged his father’s will in court and now he’s doing the same thing. Paris has been an asset to the name. But if you want to believe the hotel and gaming industry is ‘moral’ and does not depend on vice then go ahead and be naive in your simpleminded jealousy over Paris.

    Hotels, gambling and prostitution go hand in hand. How many times have Hilton Hotels been used for the committing of fornication and adultery? That’s why Conrad and Barron believe they can be forgiven by giving all their money to the Catholic church because they have been facilitators of vice.

    Good for Paris that she does not sit on her arse like most of her haters and has made her own fortune. None of you haters are worth a crap.

  • To read about the “real” Barron Hilton, read award-winning journalist David Cay Johnston’s book, Free Lunch. Barron Hilton robbed the money intended for poor people—from his father Conrad’s will. This guy is the typical scum we have for millionaires and billionaires in this country, save for teh few exceptions. Read the book; it might open your eyes to this bs and more (Cabella’s, Wal-Mart, etc.).

  • i thik paris deserves the money shes a lovely woman and she has put herself in the spotlight so i think all the hahahahas are a bit harsh as she lives like a princess you people are probably just jealous !!!?