Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Kevin’s Keeping Custody!

After a 3-hour court hearing, an L.A. judge determined that K-Fed will keep sole custody of Jayden and Sean, and Britney will be allowed monitored visits. Kevin showed up to the...

Quality Time with Daddy

Lindsay Lohan headed out for her first overnight visit away from rehab this week, accompanied by fellow recovering alcohol and father Michael Lohan. The two of them will be gone for five...


“I don’t regret not having been drafted … because I made out big. Why is it good to die for one’s country? Isn’t it better to live in New York?” Model...

I Wrote a Song, You Guys

It’s called “Britney Got a Drivers License” and you sing it to the tune of “Jimmy Crack Corn.” Ready? Okay. Ahem. Britney got a drivers license and I...


“So there was a lot of staying home and doing what you do. Like, all the time, around the clock.” Halle Berry, to Oprah Winfrey, regarding the process she and boyfriend Gabriel...

What the Fuck Is Going on Here?

Brody Jenner and Audrina Patridge arrived arm-in-arm to the red carpet of the opening of SKY360 lounge in NYC. Lauren’s BFF? And Lauren’s boy toy? Hmmm. Brody Jenner is so, so...

Okay, So The Server Change Happened

And, as I expected, we lost about a week’s worth of posts/comments. I know where they live, though, and I plan to hunt them down and bring them to you. Bear with me, kids.