Today's Evil Beet Gossip


Remember This, Halle?

For reasons I can’t even begin to understand, WireImage has apparently decided to celebrate the new NKOTB single by releasing a bunch of old file photos of NKOTB from the late...

Vince McMahon Gets Rickrolled

Ah, popular culture, how I love thee. Check out this fabulous moment during a live WWE broadcast where Vince McMahon, WWE chairman, attempts to call a lucky winner to award him $200,000. He...

Is Madonna Getting a Divorce?

We’ve heard the rumors that things are not all happy in the Madonna/Guy Ritchie world for a long time now, but today I’m getting tips from reliable sources (well, as reliable as...

What’s the Verdict?

Rapper Nas has just released the new video for his “controversial” song on his “controversial” album, “Be a Nigger Too.” It’s eight-and-a-half...

Going Strong!

Despite rumors of a break-up — which, per usual, we didn’t report, because we knew they were bullshit — Lindsay Lohan looks genuinely thrilled to see Samantha Ronson come...

A Surefire Hit!

Sigh. MTV has greenlit six episodes of a show called Bromance, which will apparently feature Brody Jenner selecting a new member of his “entourage” from a pool of...

Attack of the Killer Tomatoes!!!

HOLY CRAP! McDonald’s said on Monday that it will stop serving sliced tomatoes in all its US stores, because of concerns about salmonella food poisoning linked to some uncooked...


”Forget about surviving 40 years in the music business. Just surviving 27 years of Nicole Richie has been a struggle-and-a-half, I want to tell you. I stand here as a survivor, I want...