Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Robert Pattinson

Let’s Speculate!

Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson were snapped cozying up at a Kings of Leon concert in Vancouver this weekend (yes, the rest of the cast was there, too).  Do these two look like a...

What’s Wrong With This Picture?

I just had to show you this week’s People magazine cover.  Discussion continues about Twilight actor Robert Pattinson’s love life while Walter Cronkite, the most trusted man in...


“I definitely had a thing with Kristen.  Your first impulse is to ask her for her phone number.” Robert Pattinson, confirming to Bop magazine that he had some sort of...

Robert Pattinson Hates New York Women

Robert Pattinson has taken a break from vampiring while he films Remember Me in New York City.  According to insiders, the pantywaist is troubled by all the attention his fame garners...

Robert Pattinson Hit by Cab in New York

This past Thursday the pale pretty-boy actor was in NYC filming for Remember Me when he was reportedly struck by a taxi cab while escaping the clutches of a gaggle of squealing female...