"I'm done with collabs. No more collabs for the next two years. Although - Britney's a snatch like me and she's cute. Yes. We might do something."
- Nicki Minaj, telling HipHollywood that the only person she'll consider a collaboration with at this point is Britney Spears.
While I think it would be a huge mistake for Nicki to abandon her bit (after all, almost any one of her verses on someone else's track was far better than any verse on Pink Friday and I say that as a huge fan), if she...
It appears that Stacy Ferguson has undergone some ill-advised surgeries of the plastic variety. It looks as though she's gotten a new nose and had some of the fat taken out of her lady lumps and injected into her face since she first appeared on Kids Incorporated alongside another one of our favorites.
I never understood the whole "Fergie's hot" thing. I think she's a fine singer who's in a popular band and that they collectively do an above-average job of producing radio hits, but something...
Awww, snap. This is what I'm talking about right here. This is the kinda thing that makes me bleed for this shit (gossip, that is.)
CBS announced yesterday that Lindsay Lohan is scheduled to present the Late Show with David Letterman's signature Top Ten list this Thursday. Lindz will be reading the list via satellite in Los Angeles, and my guess is that it's going to be pretty funny. Lindsay's no Paris Hilton (who coincidentally is Dave's guest on the show that night,) meaning that this bitch has a sense of humor about herself. I expect that Lindsay will make some of the best jokes at her expense that we've heard yet.
Dave's been making sport of Lindsay quite a bit recently, but she's actually an old ...
The practically perfect Gwyneth Paltrow has done yet another completely amazing thing-- earned her first gold record. The news broke last night that the actress' cover of Cee-Lo's "Forget You" from her guest-appearance on Glee has sold over 535,000 copies. Must have been her surprise performance at Sunday's Grammy's with Cee-Lo that really pushed it over the top.
Gwyneth's last movie, Country Strong, only reached the number six spot on the box office charts the weekend of it's wide release, but featured Gwyneth singing throughout the whole thing. And it had...
Kevin Federline was photographed taking his gang of children to the park yesterday for a quick game of ball and the pictures are kind of cute but mostly hilarious. Seeing Kevin with all four of his kids is quite a sight, especially since the Kevin we first met was the kind of guy you'd be afraid to leave with so much as a pot of boiling water.
It's nice to see that his children with Shar Jackson and his sons with Britney Spears all seem to get along, though. I bet that Britney's boys are ps...
The National Enquirer is reporting that O.J. Simpson, who's currently serving time in prison for armed robbery, was recently beaten pretty badly by several other inmates. The former football star was attacked in the prison yard by a bunch of skinheads, and apparently was in such bad shape after the beating that he's now afraid to leave his cell.
From The National Enquirer:
The battle erupted at Nevada's Lovelock Correctional Center, where Simpson is serving at least nine years for his role i...
... Or that's the feeling you get looking at the cover art for her new Black Friday mix tape, anyway.
As you can see above, Kim is sitting in the middle of a Kill Bill style bloodbath, with what appears to be the disemboweled carcass of Nicki Minaj behind her. And of course, the name Black Friday is a play on Nicki's #1 album, Pink Friday.
Violence in rap isn't something that we as a society take all that seriously any more, but 15-20 years ago, the rap community was considered a dange...
A froggy-voiced Charlie Sheen called into "The Dan Patrick Show" this morning to clear up some rumors, mainly the one that his inability to work has caused Two and a Half Men to halt production. Charlie said that contrary to popular belief, he's not the problem. It's the lazy crew's fault, naturally.
Charlie explained that when CBS executives told him to clean up and get back to work, he did, but when he arrived at the studio to start filming, no one was there. Literally not one person. He sai...
By now you've all heard Lady Gaga's "Born This Way" (click through to listen) and you've also probably heard that tons of people are up in arms over the fact that it appears to sound awful lot like Madonna's classic hit "Express Yourself" (click through to listen.)
The songs have similar messages, similar beats and a similar overall sound, but can't that be said of almost all pop music? I remember my mom telling me when I was growing up that nearly everything I listened to sounded repetitiv...
Jessica Simpson's been catching a lot of heat for being a little bit on the plump side for awhile now, but in these new photos from New York's spring fashion issue, she's looking more like she did in her Newlyweds days. And I'm a huge fan of that big, messy 'do, by the way.
Do you guys think Jessica's slim figure is a result of Photoshop magic or the real deal? With her second wedding coming up, Jess could be working overtime on shedding all that dead weight (and no, I'm not talking about...
I was reading through all the Lady Gaga coverage out there today when I saw this piece about an interview the singer recently did with Anderson Cooper. In it Gaga reveals that she thinks that deep down all the public wants is to see her not just fail, but to die of a drug overdose.
From the Telegraph:
Lady Gaga, whose new single Born This Way was released today online, said: "That's what everyone wants to know, right? What's she gonna look like when she dies? What's she gonna look like when she...
Britney Spears announced during a Q&A on her Twitter page yesterday that she's ready to get back into acting and would love to work with either director Todd Philips or Judd Apatow.
Britney hasn't done a movie since her first, Crossroads, which tanked with both critics and fans alike, but she has done successful guest spots on Saturday Night Live and How I Met Your Mother. We also can't forget that long before we knew her as a singer, we knew her as the little girl with the hammy personality on The...