According to a police report, obtained by TMZ, actor Jason London was arrested late Tuesday around 11:30 PM in Ocean Springs, Mississippi when cops found him behind the wheel of a 2010 Nissan Maxima that was on fire and stuck in a ditch.

Mug shot credit to TMZ
Thats a serious incident. Fire? jeez.
Cops say London’s passenger was standing near the car — which had sustained heavy damage on the passenger side — and London claimed someone had sideswiped them and run them off the road.
Cops say he smelled like liquor and couldn’t keep his balance or speak right.
Cops investigated the scene and believe he swerved off the road, mowed down a sign, got back on the road, and then hit a concrete object before driving into a ditch.
London played who played football star Randall “Pink” Floyd in the 1993 film “Dazed and Confused” and has been living a rather troubled life since.
In 2013 he was arrested for punching a bouncer at a club. After police put him in the car he allegedly uttered a homophobic slur to the cops and said, “I’m rich and I’m a motherf–king famous actor! F–king look me up, bitch.”
According to the police report, London then leaned to the left and defecated in his pants. He then said, “I told you I’m happy as s–t.”
Hope he finds some peace.