Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Holiday Gifts That Give Back!

There are lots of ways to give back during the holidays, but for our purposes we’re interested in those businesses that either contribute a percentage of every purchase goes to a cause, or, even better, the BOGO (Buy One, Give One) platform in which for every item purchased, one of that same item is donated to the appropriate cause.

It’s also important to do your homework. For the items featured here today, a background check was done to verify the validity of the organizations. It’s often as simple as a google search or checking with the Better Business Bureau.


First, let me introduce you to Causebox. It’s a quarterly subscription service that delivers at least $150 worth of products for women from owner Sevenly’s favorite socially conscious brands.  Cost is $55 a quarter. (A discount if you pay annually).  Some really awesome things to celebrate each season and feel good doing it.



This adorable tee hearkens back to the days of card catalogs and rubber stamps in the library. And now wearing your memories will help others because for every Out of Print library tee you buy, a book is sent to a community in need. 2016-11-20 20-16-33


This is Yoobi. Yoobi is amazing. It’s all kinds of wonderful things kids need for school or adults need for life and for every journal, lunch bag or desk organizer you buy, Yoobi sends one to a kid in need. Easy peasy. And the prices are cheap, so stocking stuffing is done!



Redemption Market is a boutique with only fair trade goods. Their products chosen based on quality, but also sustainability and ethical treatment of workers located in poor international communities.  Your purchase helps promote and provide humane work environments.

This gorgeous Chevron necklace is made in India, $29, and this amazing market basket (each one of a kind) is handmade in Ghana, $55. 2016-11-20 20-45-40 2016-11-20 20-45-21



The Lokai bracelet is probably the hottest item on the list. Celebs and social media posters are crazy about this thing. And I get why.  Silicone casing aside, it’s ingredients are positively poetic.  Each bracelet has one white bead encasing water from Mount Everest and one black bead filled with mud from the Dead Sea — the highest and lowest points on earth.   Oh and 10% of your $18 price goes to a list of suitable charities available on the site.



I have two nephews, so the first thing I saw when checking out the One World Futbol was the “most durable”claim. It NEVER goes flat!  And every time you buy a kids or adult size ball, OWF sends a ball to a child in need. I love this. Charity isn’t just about hunger and health, but also happiness.



LSTN Amplifier Adapter necklace is cool, simple and affordable at $25.  And for every necklace sold, LSTN helps provide a hearing aid to someone in need. 2016-11-21 00-32-36


Lastly, there are tons of ways to give back to our furry friends. So do a google search and check out what’s around. I picked The Prints of Love charm from Alex and Ani.  It’s not only super cute and on trend, but a whopping 20% of each purchase goes to the ASPCA.  That’s a lot of goodness for $28. 2016-11-21 00-36-23






2 CommentsLeave a comment

  • I also love ONE Store. Most of their beautiful gifts are hand made by women of third world countries. It provides these women with an income and there is a lovely note attached to your products to share with you the name of the women. I have a wonderful Beene from them that I love!