Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Nick Gordon Is Fighting The Wrongful Death Suit Against Him

nick gordon bobbi kristina

Nick Gordon has been a person of interest for a while now in the case of Bobbi Kristina Brown‘s serious injury and eventual death earlier this year. After all, he was her live-in boyfriend and was said to be abusive and intent on stealing money from her. He was also big into drugs and alcohol and often provided Bobbi with both, so it makes sense that eyes would be on him when she ended up unconscious and face down in a bathtub while he was in the house. A wrongful death suit has been filed against him since Bobbi’s passing, but Nick is fighting it with everything he’s got and insisting that he’s totally innocent. In situations like these, it’s crucial to get help from a legal expert like the New York wrongful death lawyers.

Nick Gordon and his lawyers are fighting to halt the wrongful death lawsuit filed by Bobbi Kristina Brown’s conservator Bedelia Hargrove, asking the court for a stay of civil proceedings as he potentially faces criminal murder charges in the death of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown’s daughter. As Us Weekly previously reported, the district attorney in Georgia has allegedly convened a secret grand jury with the intention of charging Gordon with murder in the death of his late girlfriend.

According to court documents obtained by Us Weekly, the 25-year-old’s legal team argues “as a result of Bobbi Kristin Brown’s parentage, her death, and the subsequent criminal investigation has garnered national and international media attention adverse to Mr. Gordon” and that “Mr. Gordon will be unfairly, legally, and financially prejudiced should he be subject to parallel criminal and civil proceedings.”

The filing also argues that “any statements made by Mr. Gordon in the civil case may incriminate Mr. Gordon in a criminal investigation,” and that since a judge sealed the cause of Bobbi Kristina’s death, he’s “precluded and denied the use of exculpatory evidence that will come forward as a result of the criminal investigation.”

Sure, he’d have to be proven guilty in the court of law, but I find it absolutely impossible to believe that Nick Gordon had nothing at all to do with Bobbi’s death. In fact, I think he had quite a lot to do with it, even if Bobbi was hell-bent on destroying herself after all she’d been through – he was all too happy to oblige.

This is something that should absolutely be looked into, and charges brought against him if there’s any link found (which I believe there already has been) between Nick and what happened on that day in January when it all went downhill.

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