Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Charlize Theron’s Stalker Won’t Face Charges

charlize theron

One of the worst parts of being a celebrity has to be the fact that because of your job, people think they know you when they obviously don’t at all. They know your public persona, but that’s about it. Unfortunately, some people are absolutely nuts and will take their standard celeb obsession – which many people have on a harmless level – and turn it into something actually dangerous by pursuing the star they love in person. Charlize Theron had a stalker who actually came to her house and trespassed on her property. There’s no telling what he would have done had he not been caught and removed, but the DA doesn’t care about that – the guy won’t be charged.

From TMZ:

We’re told the decision on Tuesday to drop charges was made based on a lack of evidence Stanislav Sonseadec intended to place Charlize in any danger.

According to the D.A’s rejection docs,Theron’s assistant asked Sonseadec several times to leave the property before calling the cops.  But law enforcement sources tell TMZ Sonseadec is Russian and there may have been a language barrier that made it hard for him to understand he was unwelcome.

TMZ broke the story … cops were called to the actresses’ house Sunday after a man with flowers for her refused to leave.

Whether or not he was only going to give her flowers and then be on his way is unknown, but the fact that he lacked enough self-awareness and respect for boundaries that he thought showing up at a stranger’s house was appropriate is pretty scary.

The problem is, with people like this, that they often won’t be caught until it’s too late. Let’s just hope he’s only moderately crazy and won’t come back again. Sure, celebs put themselves out there, but they shouldn’t have to deal with threats to their personal safety because they’re in movies.

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