Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Josh Duggar’s Brother-In-Law Wants “That Pig” Out Of The Family

josh duggar anna duggar

Josh Duggar is gross, and he’s also a criminal. Not only did he molest eight (that we know of) underage girls, several of which were his own sisters, but in more recent times he’s been carrying on extramarital affairs and has also admitted to an extreme porn addiction. Anna Duggar, the mother of his children and the wife he cheated on, has put up with a lot of bullshit from him, and now her brother, Daniel Keller, is ready to get “that pig” Josh out of the family.

In a response to Jessa Duggar (Sewald)’s Facebook post about forgiveness, Daniel chimed in with some rather blunt comments. Basically, he wants Anna to leave Josh and come stay with himself and his family, because the whole situation is bullshit and neither Anna nor the kids need to be around that.

Here are some screenshots of how it all went down. Note that the blacked out names are others on Jessa’s FB account who engaged Daniel in conversation. This whole thing is a damn mess and frankly, Anna should have left after the molestation stuff came out, particularly considering they have small children. I doubt she will, to be honest, but I certainly wish she would because that’s clearly what would be best for herself and her children.


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  • Funny how those christians care more about what others think than they do their own grandkid’s safety. Also funny how they (the sinner) care more about forgiving themsleves while Anna cares more about saving her marriage than she does the other family members that live with them.

    Her husband is sexually attracted to family members and isnt above touching them against their will and she cares more about the sanctity of holy matrimony. Lol