Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Lea Michele Has “Written” Another Book

lea michele

It seems like only yesterday that former Glee star Lea Michele was shilling “her” first book, Brunette Ambition. Actually, it was 2013 and the book – which was “part memoir,  part how-to and part style guide” came out and I guess did well enough to warrant a second book because here we are, awaiting the release of You First: Journal Your Way To Your Best Life. And yes, that’s a serious title. Just look – Lea announced it on Twitter and encouraged all the peons still mourning Rachel/Finn to buy it.

I mean, damn, can you usually pre-order books 6 months in advance? That seems a bit… extreme. Y’all know Lea is my arch enemy, so I cannot support this, but has anyone read her first book?

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  • Yeah if I was a young girl I’d want to take advice on improving my self-esteem from somebody who hires a male prostitute to be her b\f.