Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Miley Cyrus took some naked pics for V Magazine

miley cyrus

This post comes with a serious “NSFW” flag, because indeed, the new photos published in V Magazine are polaroids from Miley Cyrus herself, in which she’s not just a little bit naked, but completely and utterly nude as the day she was born. Of course, this is meant to be shocking and crazy, but Miley took these herself with her best friend because she’s such a ~free spirit~ and V published them because how the hell else are they going to sell copies?

Of course, Miley being naked is old hat now. She’s still trying really hard to prove how much she’s not like Hannah Montana in real life, which… girl, we know. We get it. Message received. Enough is enough.

Anyhow, you were warned…

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus v mag

miley cyrus

Well, that’s that!

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • She wants so much to be considered hot and sexy like other certain tweens were/are but she’s just not.

  • Meh. All I see is a woman who really looks like a pubescent (barely) girl begging for attention. It’s all a little pathetic at this point. It’s a shame when people don’t realize they’ve fallen off into the category of people we feel bad for because they don’t realize they’ve been a bit of a joke now for some time.

  • I think she’s been praised so much that she’s happy in her skin and borderline nudist, nothing new to see here

  • She’s always been like this and early on than most girls.. only Her Family and Bosses hid her freaky-easy loose screw nature..