Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Katy Perry doesn’t know what ‘Lolita’ really means

katy perry

Y’all know I stan for Katy Perry all day, e’ry day, as they say, but I will have to call a queen out when I see something that’s not quite right. Today’s offense? Katy posing a picture of herself in lingerie and captioning it with something about how she’s “feeling v Lolita rn”. Uh, no.

I know Katy gets off on wanting to be/pretending to be a teenage girl all the time, but like, has she actually read Lolita? Like, does she get the cultural and literary significance? Something tells me not, because there is nothing Lolita-like in that picture, sorry.

Katy does not look like an underage seductress here. She doesn’t look like a teenager, even. She looks like a 30-year-old woman, just like she is. A sexy, beautiful 30-year-old woman, NOT a little girl. That’d be creepy as shit anyway. Why won’t she own that? I sure as shit women who are grown would just be grown.

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5 CommentsLeave a comment

  • You may be a fan of Katy Perry, but I think we all know she isn’t very bright. Who WANTS to be Lolita? She didn’t even bother googling it. Damn. Also, I’m not sure I would classify Lolita as a seductress, I’d classify her as the victim of a pedophile.

  • I’m sure she meant Lolita as like a young girl, considering her hair is up in pigtails and Lolita did actually seduce Humbert a couple times in the book. You take things too literally…