Today's Evil Beet Gossip

t.A.T.u. Singer Would “Condemn” Her Son If He Was Gay

julia volkova

Remember the band t.A.T.u? A duo of female singers from Russia who were best known for kissing each other on stage? One of the singers, Yulia Volkova, appears to be a homophobe, saying she would “condemn” her son if he were gay…and yet would make exceptions for her daughter.

Via Huffington Post:

When asked during a recent TV appearance if she would “condemn” her son if he was gay, Yulia Volkova, former member of the Russian girl band t.A.T.u, shocked fans by saying that “yes,” she absolutely would.

Why? Because, in her words,

A man must be a man.

She also added that a man has,

no right to be a faggot.

I can’t even with this, I mean I really can’t even. My ability to even? It is GONE.

However, what if her daughter turned out to be gay? She would be okay with that. Why? Because,

It seems to me that lesbians look aesthetically much nicer than two men holding their hands or kissing.

Oh, okay, sure. Yeah, that makes sense. The cannot even rage is building…

In 2006, Volkova said,

Our slogan is to love and it’s not important whom to love. We want to say that a boy can love a boy and a girl can love a girl. If all people would love each other, it would be easier to live in this world. If people are led by hatred and evil, nothing good would happen from this.

…so, like…what happened to that?

Again, I’m sorry, but I cannot even with this right now.

What do YOU think of her views and statements?

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