Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Gerard Depardieu drinks 14 bottles of wine a day

gerard depardieu

Oh, the French. Particularly, Gerard Depardieu. If he’s ever come off as a screaming banshee that’s too drunk to keep his own head up, that’s probably because… well, he is. In fact, he recently revealed that he very often drinks up to 14 bottles of wine per day. Somehow, he’s still coherent enough to give interviews.

From So Film:

When I’m bored, I drink. Apart from occasional compulsory moments of abstinence. After undergoing bypass surgery (five times), and also because of cholesterol and stuff, I have to be careful. Anyway, I’m not going to die. Not now. I still have energy. But if ever I start drinking… I can’t drink like a normal person. I can absorb 12, 13, 14 bottles…per day. But I’m never totally drunk, just a little pissed. All you need is a 10-minute nap and voilà, a slurp of rosé wine and I feel as fresh as a daisy! I have to admit that when I start counting, doctors start worrying.

Oh dear. He’s never totally drunk? That’s probably because he’s a serious alcoholic whose tolerance has gone through the roof. How his liver hasn’t conked out yet, I have no idea. But I guess he’s just expressing his joie de vivre…?

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