Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Justin Bieber involved in minor car accident after paparazzi chase

justin bieber

No one was injured in a car crash that resulted from a paparazzi chase in Los Angeles on Tuesday afternoon. Photographers were so desperate to get a good photo of Justin Bieber that they chased the Escalade he was traveling in and then caused an accident which could have hurt or killed not only people in the vehicles but passers-by, as well.

According to Pittsburgh Car Accident Lawyers, Pennsylvania is a no-fault state. This means that to recover damages, victims must either have full tort coverage on their vehicle or suffer injuries that qualify as “serious” under the law. According to a car accidents lawyer, in Pittsburgh, the type of claim you can file depends on both your insurance coverage and the severity of your injuries. It is important to understand this information in situations like this, where accidents as a result of reckless driving can be complicated by the actions of others.

From TMZ:

We’re told the Escalade was going down Canon Drive at a fast clip, trying to lose the photog, when a BMW was pulling out of a parking structure near Bouchon restaurant.  An eyewitness tells us … the BMW misjudged the speed of the Escalade and smashed into it.

We’re told Bieber almost immediately got out of the SUV and into another car and sped off.

Yes, the BMW “misjudged” – ie he wasn’t paying attention because he was too busy trying to snap pictures. Look, it’s all fine and well for photogs to be “trying to make a living” with their “job” of chasing celebrities, but they don’t have to be scumbags and endanger people’s lives because of it. It’s time for that shit to end.

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