Admittedly, I don’t know much about Rob Lowe other than that I think he’s great in Parks & Recreation and he had that weird sex tape come out in the ’80s. Ever since then, though, he seems to have got his life together. He’s been married to his wife Sheryl for 22 years, he has some smart ass kids, one of whom is studying at Duke right now.
In a new interview with People, he just seems like a pretty ~kewl dude~ if you catch my drift. He’s down-to-earth, has a good perspective on life and doesn’t seem too caught up in worrying about getting older (though that’s much more of a woman-related worry, it seems). Here are some choice quotes:
On his love of being at home:
“My work life is so chaotic and we live in Santa Barbara so it is a very long drive but I’m home every night and I wake up in a beautiful area with my family. Sometimes on days off I don’t even leave the property.”
On his two sons:
“They are both so academically advanced. They have also been a handful at times but I wouldn’t have it any other way. In fact, if they had not been I would have worried where my DNA was!”
On his relationship with his wife:
“I’m rediscovering my relationship with Sheryl. She’s great and as wonderful as ever. Emotionally, I am in love like a teenager.”
On turning 50 next year:
“The candles on the cake mean absolutely nothing. It truly is about how you lead your life and not how much life is led.”
Well, that’s all very refreshing. He seems nice!
He is, LITERALLY, one of the best characters on Parks and Rec.
Mireee, thank you for not only incorrectly using the word “literally,” but for putting it in all caps to further highlight your stupidity.
I see someone doesn’t watch Parks & Rec.
That is, LITERALLY, the saddest thing ever.
Dude, you made a serious mistake calling out my girl mireee. Trust me when I say she’s shit-tons smarter than you…. Mireee, did I read your earlier post correctly, are you really in China?