Beyoncé got a pixie haircut and posted the photos, so if you’re wondering why the Internet suddenly stopped, that’s why. Maybe she got it cut because she got her hair stuck in a fan, or maybe she just wanted to try something new.
She’s going for I guess a sort of Michelle Williams (not the Destiny’s Child one) thing. I think I like it?
she still sexy as hell
I second the nope! I think she’s always had somewhat manly features and this haircut brings it out more!
Sorry my post was suppose to be a reply to pikki nikki
Boring bitch is boring.
Maybe all those Jay-Z cheating on her news flipped her all the way out and she hacked off her hair in some kind of fit or something.
I don’t think she cut her hair. She just pulled out her weave.
Me too. I hate her no matter what her hairstyle. She’s a beotch.
amazing …you people actually have the nerve to say beyonce isnt sexy??? maybe everyone needs to post pics so we can judge properly
Nice cut wonder what it would look like in it’s natural color.What is it that makes some of us not like our birth markings. A natural hair color might give her some added flavor.
Pixie cuts are cute as hell on the right face. Bummer for Bey, hers isn’t one of them.
Don’t like that cut, and I HATE that color. Few black women can pull off blonde hair. She is not one of them.
aLL of u should mind ur fuckin business who the hell are u people to judge wat B looks lyk wether she cuts her hair in different styles she is still pritty!!!!…. oh and if u BITCHES n FAGGS got a PROBLEM go get a LIFE….
Sorry, “hohmyf033be
i love u beyonce ur awsum and dnt bother wat people say just do ur thing!!!!
its her hair and her life… give it a rest people!!!
Another Miley Cyrus? Oh PAH-LEASE -.-
shes gorgeous no matter what
Haters leave her alone
Haters leave her alone she cool all around the world