Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Watch This: Jamie Foxx Has Moves Like MJ

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From TMZ:

The video was shot at an after-party at Jamie’s mansion in L.A. … roughly ten years ago … right around the time he was blowin’ up for his role in “Ali.”

Foxx — sporting nothing but a pair of red briefs, white sneakers and a baseball hat — gets downright funky in front of a group of friends while Prince’s “I Wanna Be Your Lover” plays in the background.

I guess the only question I have is, “How the hell did he do this with a straight face?” Oh, that, and “DAMN,” even though I suppose that’s not really a question – rather more of an exclamation than anything else.

I have a video floating around out there like this, too, guys. And by ‘floating around out there’, I mean ‘It’s bolted up under lock and key, never to be seen by anyone (including my husband) ’til long after I’m dead.’ The video is me, shaking my ass and dancing like a total hooker to Donna Summer’s ‘Hot Stuff’ back when I was eight or nine years old. I’m in my bedroom, thinking I have all the privacy in the world, and all grinding inappropriately in front of an unseen camera (which was in my mother’s possession, and no, I have no idea what the hell she was thinking allowing this to happen). Isn’t that just great? So, right. I can totally relate to you, Jamie Foxx, and I commend you on your fabulous taste in music.

… Oh, and what’s that? You’ve never heard ‘Hot Stuff’ before? Boy, you are missing out:

Toot-toot. Heyyyy. Beep-beep.

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