Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Afternoon Delight

photo of hot lauren conrad pictures photos pics
George Clooney is an immature pervert. [The Superficial]

Madonna – or someone similar – has a new song no one knows about. [Lainey Gossip]

Katy Perry‘s baby bump. [Starpulse]

Is the boy his son? [TMZ]

Kellan Lutz is surprisingly better than a lot of other celebrities. [Socialite Life]

And now she’s a size 4, OK?! [Lainey Gossip]

David Letterman photographs Annie Leibovitz. [Seriously OMG]

Kim Kardashian still wants wedding presents. [The Frisky]

Anna Kendrick‘s newest movie. [Caught on Set]

Lauren Conrad‘s hooking up with WHO!? [I’m Not Obsessed]

The Lady trailer: completely disturbing. [Pajiba]

Inside the new Harry Potter Studios! [theBERRY]

Dakota Fanning‘s racy perfume ad banned. [Cele|bitchy]

Michelle Duggar‘s latest pregnancy announcement video. [Hollywood Dame]

Kim Kardashian, Kris Humphries caught fighting on video. [Huff Po]

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