Super, Paris Hilton‘s going to be a DJ now? [The Superficial]
More Dark Knight Rises cast photos. [Lainey Gossip]
Specific and credible 9/11 anniversary attack this weekend? [Bossip]
Vanessa Hudgens looks paunchy in a bondage dress. [Starpulse]
25 things you didn’t know about Anderson Cooper. [Cele|bitchy]
John Galliano guilty of racism. [The Frisky]
The government spread STDs? [Bossip]
LOL at the Victoria’s Secret new bridal line. [Yeeeah]
Jared Leto, full of emotion? [theBERRY]
Justin Bieber‘s worst look yet. [INFDaily]
Jessica Simpson loves her boobies and so do we. [Amy Grindhouse]