Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Morning Wood

photo of leann rimes pictures photos skinny before and after pics

Who’s the “mutant actor dad“? [Lainey Gossip]

T.I. is outta jail! [Bossip]

PETA honors Emma Stone and Olivia Wilde. [Starpulse]

The pregnant man wanted to be on DWTS, not Chaz Bono. [TMZ]

Lady Gaga wears a prosthetic penis. [The Blemish]

Stars who are never too old to be goofy. [theBERRY]

Adam Levine thinks singing competitions kind of blow. [Huff Po]

Jason Sudeikis looks awesome with a beard. [INFDaily]

Daryl Hannah was arrested outside the White House. [Hollywood Dame]

Ballad of the horse-faced skinny twits. [Cele|bitchy]