From the sound of it, a lot of folks are pretty amused (or, uh, not so amused) by Anne Hathaway‘s Yorkshire accent in the new flick One Day.
Hathaway, on playing a girl from Leeds:
One of the things I was struck by was that so often when people leave Yorkshire they don’t hang on to the accent, the accent evens out and starts to mimic some new sounds from where they’re from, so you can have 10 people from Yorkshire and they have 10 completely utterly different accents. But I worked with a dialect coach and just kind of tried my best.
Earlier this week, the Guardian gleefully reported that Anne Hathaway ‘perfected’ her accent by watching episodes of British soap Emmerdale. Now, I have no ear for accents at all—she sounds OK to your dense American ear, too, right?—but I guess she’s supposed to sound a little more like Scary Spice.
Now some folks across the pond are going apeballs thanks to an offhanded remark Hathaway made at the European One Day premiere on August 23. Hathaway’s crime? She wouldn’t be opposed to playing Kate Middleton in a bio-pic. Don’t you dare, Anne!
But most importantly, what Anne Hathaway was wearing on August 23, bleeeuuurrghhh! And the way she matched her lipstick and nail polish! Bleeeuuuurggghhh! Horf! (Cute shoes, though.)
Despite the bad, bad accent and some horrid, FUCKING AWFUL plot twist on the book that almost made me put it down, I can’t wait to watch the film.