Chris Brown pretends like he’s got a penis. I mean, a BIG penis. [The Superficial]
Um, where’s the rest of you, Jonah Hill? [ICYDK]
What ladylike Hollywoood actress curses like a motherfucking sailor? [Pajiba]
Britney‘s being sued over one of her new songs. [Allie is Wired]
Scarlett Johansson rubs her foot up on Sean Penn‘s package a la Weekend at Bernie’s. [Betty Confidential]
Is Jim Carrey … dead? [Celebrity Smack Blog]
What male superstar musician does his laundry at public facilities? [TMZ]
Michael Lohan signs up for a reality show. For real. [Celebrity VIP Lounge]
Behind the scenes of Kim Kardashian‘s new music video (I KNOW – I can’t believe she’s making a video for that hot mess of a song either). [Caught on Set]
Kourtney Kardashian bashes breastfeeding. [Huffington Post]
Um…Kourtney doesn’t bash breastfeeding. She seems to really miss it!
Can we just muzzle the Kardashians? The verbal diarrhea is getting tiring.
Yea, she says that having to stop was “traumatizing”.
Shouldn’t you at least skim the articles you link to before posting them? Kourtney didn’t bash breastfeeding at all.
Major major fail