Today's Evil Beet Gossip

Hugh Jackman Is Still Beautiful, Got A Puppy

A photo of Hugh Jackman

I have a lot of love for Hugh Jackman.  I mean, a whole lot of love.  In my dorm room last year, I arranged this Trashy Girl collage on the inside of my closet door to amuse myself every morning – they were mostly pictures from Maxim of dumb-looking girls in football jerseys dribbling toothpaste and milk down their chins – and the centerpiece of the collage?  A picture of Hugh Jackman in a downtrodden pose, looking disappointed at the female youth of the country.  Ok, maybe you had to be there, but the point is that I adore Hugh Jackman, and I also adore puppies, and beautiful dudes playing with puppies?  It’s almost too much wonderful.

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